Quantum Mechanics E Merzbacher Solution Manual


622csyllabus Phys622: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I Fall 1999, Section 0201, MARS #46891 MW 12:00-12:50, F 11-12:50, Room PLS 1140 Instructor: Dr. Ted Jacobson Room 4117, Phone 301-405-6020 jacobson@physics.umd.edu, Office hours: M 10-11, W 2-3 Teaching Assistants: Hock-Seng Goh ('Goh') Room 4221, Phone 301-405-7279 hsgoh@glue.umd.edu,Office hours: T 10-11, Th1-2 Douglas Armstead ('Doug') Room 4211, Phone 301-405-6192 dna2@physics.umd.edu Office hours: W 4-5. Final exam solutions (page, ). General course information Course content: This is the first semester of a graduate quantum mechanics course. Textbook: There is no required textbook for the course, however all students should have at least one standard graduate quantum text on hand. A selection of recommended books is described below.

  1. Quantum Mechanics Eugen Merzbacher Solution Manual

Reserve books: The books by Baym, Cohen-Tannoudji et. Al., Landau & Lifshitz, Sakurai, and Schwabl are (I hope) on reserve at EPSL. Web pages: Homework assignments and supplementary material at www.glue.umd.edu/tajac/622c/, homework grades and solutions at E-mail: I encourage students to make use of e-mail for quick correspondence with me regarding lecture material, homework problems, or whatever. I will also use e-mail to communicate with the class at large.

Homework: Assigned weekly and due the following week. Late homework accepted only under dire circumstances. If you know it will be impossible to turn in an assignment on time you must discuss this with me in advance of the due date. The homework is an essential part of the course.

I believe most of what you learn will come from doing the homework. You are encouraged to discuss the homework with others, but what you finally hand in should be your own work. Sources (e.g.

Textbooks or classmates) should be cited when used heavily in a homework solution. Please make sure you include your name and the homework and course numbers and staple the pages together. Exams: Two one-hour mid-terms and a final. The final is Thursday, Dec. 16, 10:30am-12:30pm.

Grading: REVISED: Based on homework (30%), one mid-term (30%), and final (40%), with the best of these raised by 20% and the worst two lowered by 20%. (Revised since it turned out the homework could all be graded.

For the record, the old scheme was: Based on homework (20%), two mid-terms (20% each), and final (40%), with the best two of these raised by 10% each and the worst two lowered by 10% each.) The lowest two homework scores will be dropped. I cannot say for sure in advance, but I expect the letter grades to correspond to (roughly) (A) 100-80%, (B) 80-60%, (C) 60-40%. Some texts F. Schwabl, Quantum Mechanics Concise, well-organized, clear exposition.

Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Laloe, Quantum Mechanics Massive, strong on both fundamentals and applications, excellent for self-study. Landau and E.M.


Lifschitz, Quantum Mechanics (Non-relativistic theory) Practical and fundamental, with many applications and worked problems. Baym, Lectures on Quantum Mechanics Informal but sophisticated, very readable, with many applications. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics Written by a high-energy theorist, tilted toward the algebraic approach. Nice choice of examples. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics A ``standard' old-fashioned graduate textbook. Contains a lot of material and has a good table of contents.

Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics Another ``standard' graduate text, with the slant of a nuclear theorist. Strong on scattering theory. A third edition came out in 1997. Jackiw, Intermediate Quantum Mechanics Atomic structure, interaction with radiation, and scattering theory, beyond the usual introductory topics. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics Holds the student's hand, verbose, mostly elementary, but has some very nice modern applications.

Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics A very well written modern undergraduate text, neatly organized and lucid. Dirac, Principles of Quantum Mechanics An elegant classic. Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, vol. III A ``beginning undergraduate' text offering insights that keep professors coming back. Messiah, Quantum Mechanics Strong on the formal and mathematical aspects of the theory. Preskill, Notes from a Cal.

Includes a nice introduction to the fundamentals of QM. Abramowitz and I. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions Indispensable for special functions. Gradshteyn and Ryzhik: Table of Integrals, Series, and Products The best. Topics to be covered 1. Inner product spaces, operators, Dirac notation 2. Projection operators, expectation values, structure of QM 3.

Commuting observables, uncertainty principle 4. Combining quantum systems 5. No-cloning, teleportation, non-locality 6. Schrodinger equation 7. Canonical quantization 8.

Position and momentum eigenstates, delta function 9. Heisenberg picture, Ehrenfest's theorem 10. Harmonic oscillator, ladder operators, coherent states 11. One dimensional bound states 12. Many particles, bosons & fermions 13.

Fermi sea 14. Cooper pairs 15. Symmetries & conservation laws 16. Angular momentum, representation theory, spherical harmonics 17.

Central potentials 18. Hydrogen atom 19.

Particle in electromagnetic field, gauge invariance 20. Landau levels 21. Aharonov-Bohm effect, flux quantization, monopoles 22. Magnetic moments, Zeeman effect 23. Addition of angular momenta, hyperfine interaction, spin-orbit coupling Calendar (with topics covered, minutes, supplements, & homework) Class minutes are linked to week numbers in the calendar.

Week Monday Wednesday Friday HW & Suppts. 8/30 superposition, spin-1/2 example, qubits & other state spaces vector spaces, linear operators, inner product, Dirac notation, resolution of identity 9/6 no class, Labor Day matrix notation, projection operators, probability interp. 'collapse' of the state, expectation values, spectral rep. Of observables, time evolution, composite systems 9/13 entangled states, mixed vs. Pure states, density matrices commuting observables position eigenstates, translation operator, momentum operator 9/20 Schrodinger eqn.

In position and momentum representations computational tricks, EPR&GHZ non-locality, teleportation, Ehrenfest's theorem 9/27 general uncertainty reln, min. Wavepackets Heisenberg picture computation tips, harmonic oscillator (due 10/11) 10/4 coherent states osc. States pos'n rep., CUPS simulations Galilean invariance 10/11 rotations & ang. Of rotations spin-1/2, precession, Stern-Gerlach expt.

(due 10/18) 10/18 spin resonance spin resonance, MBMR, NMR, MRI central potentials (due 10/25), 10/25 central potentials Coulomb potential, review MID-TERM EXAM square well levels 11/1 2body -1body, relative ang. Mom., spin of proton identical particles composites, homonuclear mols., space&spin, Fermi gas 11/8 Fermi sea, Cooper pairs Cooper pairs Cooper pairs, charge in magnetic field Cooper pairs 11/15 magnetic field magnetic moments gauge invariance, Yang-Mills theory quantum cyclotron 11/22 gauge invariance, Aharonov-Bohm effect Zeeman effect, magnetic monopoles no class, Thanksgiving.

11/29 flux quantization, relativistic effects spin-orbit coupling, Darwin term, perturbation theory fine structure, ljmj states 12/6 Lamb shift, Zeeman effect Lamb shift expt., hyperfine interaction hyperfine splitting, Zeeman/hyperfine, review. 12/13 review: Thurs.

Quantum Mechanics Eugen Merzbacher Solution Manual

12/16, 10:30-12:30.

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