Kayla Itstines Bikini Body Guide


An Honest Review of the Bikini Body Guide from Kayla Itsines Are you considering buying the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide? Read my review before you do – I might just help you save a TON of money. My name is Sarah G. And I’m a mother of one and a recent ex-wife.

My son’s father recently decided he wanted to run away with a younger, thinner version of me, so I’ve been working to pick up the pieces of my life since. While he had been entertaining this fling for what turned out to be a YEAR, I had been spending most of my money (I work as a teacher) on everything our young son needed.

By the time I caught my husband in the act of cheating, I didn’t have much left in my savings. I don’t want to go into too much detail on my sob story, but the break up was extremely messy, and ruined me emotionally and financially. I sank into a deep depression, and could barely be motivated to do anything. I was a shell of my former self, only going through the motions of life. I gained weight. I felt extremely unhealthy. And I lacked the motivation and discipline to do anything about it.

I needed HELP. But there was no one I could count on for it but myself. So I committed to making the change.

I wanted to be a better mom, to take control my life, and get back to my old self. I fully believe that other women like me who still care about themselves but don’t have a lot of free time should still have options as far as weight loss goes. So my Googling lead me to the very popular Kayla Itsines, and her famous workout, the Bikini Body Guide.

Bikini body guide workouts

Now, before I go further, I want to give you a warning. My Bikini Body Guide review is going to be different than all the other reviews out there. I made the choice to refund it and get my money back and I’m going to tell you EXACTLY WHY! So keep reading before you buy ANYTHING relating to the BBG!

I’m just turning 38 and I’ve noticed that I’m 25 pounds heavier than I used to be just a few years ago. The weight crept up on me slowly and I didn’t have any tim e or idea how to fight back. That’s why I began to look into ways to lose weight and keep the weight off.

I started to get more and more self-conscious, and I live in Florida so I couldn’t really just try and avoid each and every occasion that involved me showing off my body. That’s what makes this review different others. I know what it’s like to just want to lose weight fast, and at the same time keep that weight off for the long haul. WITHOUT resorting to some sort of fad diet, or even worse, yo-yo diet (which would just be undone later). I wanted a permanent change.

I found out about the BBG workout through Instagram, and I noticed she advertised that you would be able to get results in “12 weeks or less”, which was incredibly alluring to me. So I decided to trust in this beach body diet.

Little did I know that a program offering such quick results is actually a red flag. So Who Is Kayla Itsines? This is the famous fitness guru, Kayla Itsines. She’s a 24 year old fitness model born and raised in Adelaide, Australia. She started her own personal training course in 2008 at the Australian Institute of Fitness. It was during this training course that she began to recognize repeated complaints from women trying to lose weight, and started to develop a targeted method to solve common issues. She decided to address the overall desire most women had, to get their perfect “bikini body”.

With this in mind, she created her BBG workout guide to help women find a beach body workout and diet. My Kayla Itsines Workout Review I don’t know about the rest of you, but the costs of something is the most important factor for me to take into consideration. BBG 1.0 (Weeks 1-12) is priced at $69.97. BBG 2.0 (Weeks 13-34) is priced at $69.97.

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Bikini Body Guide Pdf

Then, if you want to get the additional H.E.L.P. Nutritional guide, you have to pay an ADDITIONAL payment of $69.97. That’s already a grand total of $209.91! Not to mention the additional hidden costs of buying your own equipment and whatnot, or a gym membership at the very least. Yeah yeah, but is it worth the money? Well, I’ll say it is and isn’t. Let me explain Itsines’ workout is pretty expensive on its own, but then Kayla also recommends that you purchase benches, steps, a medicine ball, dumbbell weights, and even one of those flashy heart rate monitors!

These additional expenses added together will easily total over another $200. That a total of $400 spent before you are what Kayla would deem “ready” to follow her BBG workout program! Even her H.E.L.P. Nutritional guide has quite the expensive list of foods and recipes for you to make. Healthy food does tend to be on the more expensive side, but she takes it to the extreme with borderline gourmet-style foods. My Issue With The Workout $200 to buy the complete bikini body workout program (all weeks and the nutritional program).

Then around $200 to get the recommended workout items including the fitness tracker. A total of $400. There are entirely TOO many extra costs involved in buying what should be a simple workout. Still, I wanted to give it a fair chance. One of my girlfriends purchased the bikini body guides, so she agreed to workout with me a few times so I could get a feel for the program.

A trial run sounded fantastic to me but after just a few days, I quit! Less than a week may seem a little early, but quite frankly, I found myself bored while I was following the guide. Sorry Kayla but I am not a fan.

Naturally, my bikini body guide results were pretty lackluster. I can only imagine how much worse I would have felt if I had actually paid full price for the workout. Do the Bikini Body Guides actually work? Like I said, the BBG workout is insanely popular, as is Kayla Itsines, so I KNOW that people are seeing good results. Unfortunately, I am not one of them. I just did not feel like the guides were wortht the money.

Plus, I honestly got the feeling the exercises themselves were intermediate – like the guide was more for people who had experience working out. I was looking for something that would be a great workout for beginners. And Luckily, I found that in the alternative workout that I now use, which I got from.

The Kayla Itsines Alternative I Use Now Following my experience with the bikini body guides, I was pretty disappointed with myself and with the program itself. I had gotten lucky that my friend had it, otherwise I would have been out two hundred dollars, or MORE if I had purchased all the recommended equipment. I started to check out other reviews and started noticing other women who had bad experiences with the program. Funnily enough, it’s one of these very posts that lead me to find another program. It was then that I came across Let me compare both these programs so you can understand what I felt when I found out about them: Type Jen Ferrugia Kayla Itsines Beginner Level 1 - $29.99 BBG 1.0 - $69.97 Advanced Level 2 - $19.99 BBG 2.0 - $69.97 Nutrition Guide FREE H.E.L.P. $69.97 Total $49.98 $209.91 + Additional Costs It’s plain to see that Jen Ferruggia, with the complete workout guide (which I DO recommend) and the nutritional guide cost 1/4 the price of the Kayla Itsines workout guide. As you can see, the Bikini Body Workouts provide more with an overall MUCH better deal.

I highly suggest you check out the. Their official website is. Jen Ferruggia Bikini Body Workout – What You Get. A complete ebook guide that also comes with instructional videos. A 60 day money back guarantee – the program is sold through Clickbank, an online product retailer, that has a mandatory 2 month refund window.

That means you get 2 months to try the Bikini Body workouts and see if you like them. A FREE nutritional guide – unlike Kayla’s Workout – that is pretty much the ideal beach body diet. 21-day Booty Blast (who doesn’t want a better butt?). Shopping list to get groceries. and more!

Not to mention you get MONTHLY workouts and all of this is available instantly when you purchase Jen Ferruggia’s program! It’s a no brainer which one I’d personally rather spend my money on. I’ve been following Jen’s guides for 3 weeks now and I’m really enjoying it. I learn everyday, work up a sweat, and eat food I love eating. UPDATE: My Before and After Results Hey everyone, I thought I would come back and post my progress since switching over the Bikini Body Workouts instead of sticking with Kayla Itsines. Since following the 12 week bikini body challenge I’ve also seen mental health improvements.

No more brain fog, I’m focused, and even when I wake up – I feel like I can conquer the world. It feels great having the energy to keep up with my energetic son. Plus, I know my transformation will serve as motivation for him down the road. The workouts are fun and easy to do at home, and can be completed pretty quickly as well. I’ve regained a lot my self-confidence, and I’m not embarrassed at all to strut around on a beach. The program has proven easy for other people to pick up as well. Some of my close friends who admired my transformation have since started doing the workouts with me and are seeing rapid weight loss.

I owe it all to Ferruggia and her workouts. I realize you probably came here looking for a review of just the Kayla Itsines Bikini Workout, but I couldn’t just shoot it down without giving you gives my personal recommendation for an alternative. Ultimately, it’s entirely up to you guys which program you choose to use and which you don’t. I just wish you luck in your weight loss endeavors! – If you EVER happen to read my review, thank you SO MUCH. Your workout program has changed my life.

For anyone else considering sticking with Bikini Body Guides – Go for it! Ultimately, this journey taught me that the most important thing is finding a workout that works for YOU. For me, that meant the Bikini Body Workouts. But if that means something else for you – follow your heart. Make the decision yourself, go to and look into her workout program! If you have any question about the BBG workout or Jen’s Bikini Body Workout, please leave a comment below and I’ll help you as soon as I can.


I want everyone to have the same sort of results I was able to! No problem Henri! Thanks for reading, I’m glad I could help someone else make an informed decision after reading my review.

To answer your questions, yes I did follow the eating plan, but I was not super strict with it. Do whatever is most comfortable for you.

As far as the workouts go, I prefer to do ALL my workouts at home due to the convenience factor (which is why I reviewed these workouts in the first place). My tip is to form the best plan that can keep you in weight-loss mode without you snapping back to your old habits. Hello I’m very happy that i came on your page, btw very good review, but i don’t understood something (i’m chilean, we speak spanish maybe something got lost in translation) it’s a 12 week program with exercises, for example the first week monday, wednesday and friday but it says to do 2-3 sessions of ressistance training 2–3 sessions of LISS cardio training 1 rehabilitation (stretch) session the exercises on the guide (i.e. Week 1) are the 3 session of ressistance training? If it’s not then how do i know which one is LISS and which one is ressistance thank you so much i hope to get an answer soon because i want to start next week. My twin sister and I started doing the free BBG workout guide this week and we absolutely love it! I was just wondering which exercise equipment are the most important?

We already have one set of dumbbells, which we share and that works just fine, but none of the other equipment. Also, the boseball, how often do you use it in the guide? Do you only use it once or more than once? I also was wondering what you would think is best to get, just the workout guide or the bundle? We already eat pretty healthy right now. I just bought the BBG and am very excited to start using it and can’t wait to see some results (even some small just to see something)!

I find the guide a bit confusing and your blog has given me some clarity but I still do have one question. It seems that each workout session/day is only 28 minutes (minus any warmup cardio or stretching). Does it only take this short amount of time or are we supposed to supplement the 28 minute workout with other LISS or brief workout of other kinds? Is it recommended that the days you do the resistance sessions (MWF), keep it to just 28 minutes? Excellent review of the guide as a whole.

I just purchased and did the first work out today. Phew, it was wonderfully challenging and you feel great afterwards! However, I did have a question about the nutrition guide. As it explains, the calorie intakes are around 1600 calories a day. Because I don’t really have much fat to lose (121 lbs, 5’6″ and on the verge of underweight according to BMI)and am focusing more on muscle strength and toning, I’m afraid to keep my intake this low.

I was wondering if you had a macronutrient percentage breakdown that could be followed for someone consuming more calories to maintain weight but promote fat loss? Hello- I just started the guides and it is very hard for me. I am 35 years old and I exercise 5 days a week. Soul cycle, run and hiking. I realized I needed to do more cross training and boy was I right! I keep a very clean diet of real food- gluten & dairy free, etc. Even though cardio fit clearly very poor ab and arm strength.

I have started the pre-workout routine and even struggling with that. How do women who have just had a baby or never worked out just jump into this guide. I’ve read before that doing ab exercises when you’re stomach isn’t completely flat will not give you abs until you get rid of the excess fat, and I’ve noticed in a lot of progress pictures girls have gained abs from her guide. I myself, am 5’1 and 123lbs, not overweight by any means, but I do have a little lower stubborn belly fat that i would like to get rid of. Do her workouts flatten your stomach and then give you abs in the process? I really would like to know before I invest and begin in the guide. Thank you in advance!

I’m turning 27 next week and I’m already skinny 119-121 lbs and 5’5, so I don’t want my legs to get skinnier like I’ve seen a lot of women experience. I want to tone my legs and get larger thighs. Not really muscly or anything like that. I have wide shoulders that look kind of manly so even though relatively large arm muscles look good on the other women with the bbg, it’s not going to look good on me. I also don’t know if the guide focuses on flutes enough.

I really want to grow them like lisa morales( dream body). Hi, I have been doing the bbg for a while now. I used to love doing the ab exercises but I can’t seem to anymore without feeling soreness and pain at my inner thigh which I suppose is connected to the hips?

I’ve seen a doctor about the pain and he did tell me to stop and that I wasn’t doing the exercises right. He said that for women, having both legs up in ab exercises are not good because we have shorter and tauter muscles around the hips than men and we must only raise one leg at a time. But I feel that that won’t have the same impact and burn on the abs as having both legs going up and down. Sorry this has been a long post.

I just need some clarification and some help as after consuming the doctor’s prescription of joint supplements for 2 months while pausing my workouts, I got back to working out only to find out that I still have not been healed. Really troubled and hope you can help me out! I’ve loved and hated the Bikini Body Guide in so many ways. On the one hand – it makes you work HARD.

I remember I would look at an exercise (like commandos) and think “that one looks fun”. To my dismay, they were not fun. They were terrible! Ive temporarily given up on the Guide after a few weeks of very busy comings and going and not being home near my gym, but I’m planning on restarting very soon! In the mean time, I’ve been maintaining my cardio and working on cleaning up my eating habits before I restarting this process.

“A superset means that you do two movements back-to-back with no rest. After doing both exercises, you’ve done one superset.” Then for the actual workout you prescribed, each day is 3-4 sets of each exercise. So I’m kind of confused. I’ve never done supersets before so I’m not sure how to do them. Does not mean that you do the first two exercises right after the other with no rest, then rest for a few minutes, then repeat the same two exercises again with no rest in between them (now done with 2 supersets) rest a few minutes, and so on until you reach the 3 or 4 sets you have listed?

Assuming you do the exercises in the same order as prescribed.Rest 30-45 seconds between each superset for adequate recovery. ” I’m really confused here:) Do I keep doing supersets of the first two exercises until I reach 3-4 supersets as you have listed for each day, OR, is it only the first two excercises back to back (ONLY ONE SET OF EACH) and them move on to the next superset with the next two exercises (ONLY ONE SET OF EACH)?? However, at the end of the workout, I will have done only one set of each exercise when you mention for each day that 3-4 sets are to be done for each exercise. I want to try this-I’ve been seriously training for a little over a year and have lost a significant amount of weight-but to lose that last 5% of bf has been quite the challenge.

How would you modify these workouts? I find it difficult sometimes in the gym to get from one exercise to the next within a small amount of time due to the layout of the gym and other people using the things at the time I would need them. Would you mix up the order of the exercises? Is it less effective if the rest time in between is longer just because of getting to the next area or gathering weights? My wedding is in three months exactly. I am looking for a workout that will give me the results I want. I had a baby about 1 year ago and lost a ton of my muscle.

I DO NOT need to lose any more weight (I’m the lightest I’ve ever been) but I do need to tone my muscle back up. Please tell me if this workout/ diet suits me and if not if you have a recommendation. Right now my fianc and I are looking into Jim stoppani “short cut to shred” I’m not sure if that’s a good one for my goals/current body or not.

I started the program today and I am so excited for the next 4 weeks. When I spoke with you at the arnold, I told you about how frustrating it is to lean out with my athletic build and my short height, it’s not a good combo for a girl to cut up However you show me that the body type I want, with a short height, is attainable from hard work and because of that, you are my favorite physique in the fitness world and a huge inspiration of mine. I’m going to follow the diet & exercise plan exactly over the next 4 weeks and I truly hope my results reflect your physique. I’m so excited, finally I have a plan that will hopefully work for me and get me the results I want! Thank you so much for your plan!!

Famed for her enviable six pack, Kayla’s social media feed is also full of motivational messages Each week involves three workouts lasting around 28 minutes per session, that focus on the arms, abs, legs and full body. Moves include weighted squats, planks, jumping jacks, as well as further weight training and cardio.

Users can also use the meal plans that include shopping lists, recipes and healthier food choices. What are the Kayla Itsines' transformations? Many people upload their before and after shots from the BBG guide, showing how their bodies have transformed over the 12-weeks or beyond that if they've opted for a second 'cycle'. The fitness star regularly posts pictures of her success stories on her page.

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