Parenting Stress Index Professional Manual Abidin

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  1. Sky Index Professional
  2. Abidin Parenting Stress Index Professional Manual
  3. Consumer Price Index Professional Services

Sky Index Professional

Description of Measure: Screening and triage measure for evaluating the parenting system and identifying issues that may lead to problems in the child's or parent's behavior. Focuses on three major domains of stress: child characteristics, parent characteristics and situational/demographic life stress. Developed in 1983; currently in 4th edition. Revised to improve cultural sensitivity of language and to include fathers in the standardization sample.

Updated normative pool to match demographic composition of the 2007 U.S. Designed for use with parents of children ranging in age from 1 month to 12 years. 101 items with optional 19-item Life Stress scale; requires 5th-grade reading level. Short form (36 items) has 3 subscales: Parental Distress, Parent–Child Dysfunctional Interaction and Difficult Child. Child and Parent domains combine to form Total Stress Scale. Available in Spanish. Profile Form enables each parent's T- score profile to be graphed, which enriches the interpretation by providing a visual inspection of the results.

No time limit; parents typically complete long form in 20 minutes and short form in 10 minutes. Useful in designing a treatment plan, for setting priorities for intervention or for follow-up evaluation.

Commonly administered in medical centers, outpatient therapy settings and pediatric practices. Child subscales: Distractibility/Hyperactivity, Adaptability, Reinforces Parent, Demandingness, Mood, Acceptability. Parent subscales: Competence, Isolation, Attachment, Health, Role Restriction, Spouse/Parenting Partner Relationship. Long form translation available in 28 languages. Expanded norms organized by each year of child age.

Abidin Parenting Stress Index Professional Manual

Parenting Stress Index Professional Manual AbidinParenting

Reliability and validity of the test supports that parenting stress is a measure that is useful across diverse populations, including Hispanic, poor rural and inner-city parents. Reliability: Child subscale,.78.88; Parent subscale,.75.87. Reliability coefficients for the two domains and the Total Stress scale were.96 or greater, indicating a high degree of internal consistency for these measures. Test-retest reliability: After 1 year, Parent.70 and Child.55; after 3 weeks, Parent.71 and Child.82. Important normative samples: N = 1,056 adults (534 mothers; 522 fathers); 223 Hispanic parents from pediatric clinics in New York City; 27 parents self-identified as gay or lesbian. Sample included parents from 17 states in the southern, northeastern, western and midwestern regions of the U.S.

Consumer Price Index Professional Services

Similar measures: Stress Index for Parents of Adolescents (SIPA). To obtain the instrument: Contact PAR by phone: 1 (800) 331-8378, or order or using PAR's. Reference Abidin, R. Parenting stress index (4th ed.).

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