Istqb Basic Certification Study Guide


You can easily pass Certification with the help of our online practice exam. We are here to help you every step of the way to pass your ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level exam. Our team of experienced and certified professionals with more than 12 years of experience in the field of Software Testing has designed practice exam to prepare for ISTQB CTFL certification. They have carefully maintained exam structure, syllabus, time limit and scoring system same as the actual ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level exam. Our ISTQB CTFL question bank contains most frequently asked and real-time case study based questions prepared by collecting inputs from recently certified candidates. To get familiar with our online ISTQB Tester Foundation certification practice exam environment, we invite you to try our sample practice exam to build the trust between us. All the questions covered in sample practice exam are basic ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level Certification exam questions.

To test your knowledge and understanding with the real-time case study based questions, we strongly recommend you to practice with our Premium ISTQB Tester Foundation (CTFL) practice exam. We have designed all the questions comprehensive and exam oriented. These are the advantages and features of our Premium Practice Exam Membership. 1470+ Practical and Real-time Case Study Based Practice Exam Questions similar to actual ISTQB CTFL certification exam and their correct answers for assessment.

2 Months Unlimited Access to online ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level (CTFL) certification practice exam. Multiple Choice Questions to be completed in the Specified Time Limit.

Questions are updated for the latest body of knowledge and exam pattern; it means our questions are fit for all upcoming exams. Personalized Result Book to track your progress and Result History with correct answers. Safe & Secure Payment with the 2Checkout payment gateway. Payments accepted through any Credit Card, Debit Card, and PayPal. Price is just $41.30 USD which is lowest compared to any other offline or online materials., if you could not clear your actual exam in the first attempt. Why choose us for ISTQB CTFL Exam Preparation. We have a dedicated team of ISTQB certified experts who are having more than 12 years of experience in the field of Software Testing.

Our structured and autonomous review system collects feedback from recently certified candidates, based on those inputs our domain experts frequently update ISTQB Tester Foundation test questions for practice. Our online practice exam is a simulation of the actual ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level exam that makes you familiar with actual exam environment and exam pattern. We offer unlimited practice attempts with our online practice test.

Every attempt randomly populates questions from our premium ISTQB CTFL question bank that contains 1470+ most probable case study based questions prepared by our domain experts. Practice questions will be served in random order with shuffled multiple choice answers to make your ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level exam experience more challenging. You can review the results of past practice attempts from result history and assess your performance. Such facilities are the significant advancement over questions in CTFL PDF and far better than fraud dumps sites.

According to our survey with ISTQB CTFL Certified candidates, you can easily score 80% in the actual ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level exam if you can score 100% in our online practice exam.

Iahss basic certification study guide

Do you want to pass the ISTQB Exam in 2018? Large percentage of candidates who plan to study on their own for ISTQB do not appear for the exam because: – Most working professionals have limited time for studies – They get distracted when searching for topics & spend more time browsing than studying – After a few weeks when they feel that researching topics takes too long, they give up Are you spending more time searching on the internet for study material, than studying for the exam? (Don’t know what is ISTQB? ) 100% Pass – Best Premium ISTQB Exam Study Material 2018 Easily Pass ISTQB Foundation Level Exam In FIRST Attempt with high score with our Proven Study Material. What do you get with the package?. Best book for preparing for the ISTQB exam.

The book covers all 6 chapters required for ISTQB CTFL Exam. All concepts are explained in easy to understand manner, suitable for beginners too. Glossary of all the terms used in ISTQB and Software Testing. More than 600+ premium questions from dumps with revised questions latest syllabus. Solving Statement and Decision coverage – Special section with 600 Questions and Answers. Printable Cards to help you remember key topics. Question paper dumps with 1300+ question and answers for practicing mock tests.

Detailed guide on the ISTQB Syllabus and exam structure. Step by step preparation guide for ISTQB Foundation Level exam Why our package is the Best Premium ISTQB Exam Study Material?. Best book and study material for ISTQB Foundation Level Exam – We have the best book and study material for ISTQB CTFL Foundation Level exam. The study material is useful for both experienced professionals and freshers as well. Our material is not only used by students studying for the exam but also used by professors and lecturers in Universities in countries like UK, USA etc to teach their classes. This material is based on the best resource on Software Testing – Each month they help thousands of students and professionals prepare for ISTQB Exam Certification.

Search Google for “ISTQB Exam Certification” or “ISTQB Certification” they are the number one result. Latest Premium Question Dumps – Our premium ISTQB study material contains several premium question dumps from recent exams. These question dumps cost $50 each but they are all included as part of our study material.

Complete comprehensive study material and guide – Everything you need to study to pass the ISTQB Foundation Level exam with high score is included in the package. You will not need to read any other material other than what’s included in the package to pass the exam. We guarantee this because many students have passed with high score using our material and following our steps. Comprehensive collection of Practice Questions – Our study material includes 1300+ questions from actual question papers. These questions cover the all the 6 chapters from the Foundation Level syllabus and all 4 Knowledge levels (K1 to K4) which are part of the exam objective. Expert reviewed – These study materials and question papers have been reviewed by industry experts, several of whom have worked with ISTQB in setting the syllabus content and pool of questions for the exam.

These have also been used by students in passing the ISTQB CTFL Foundation Level exam with high score. This study material is valid for taking the ISTQB Foundation Level exam/ISEB BH0-010 from any ISTQB Exam Board in any country including US, UK, India etc. You can take the exam from the testing board of that country or from any authorized Pearson / Prometrics testing center. Please below for more details. How can I download the package – Best Premium ISTQB Exam Study Material? How much does it cost?

The study material has a one time cost of USD 50 for international buyers and Rs. 3000 for Indian buyers. You will be able to download the material immediately after payment, on the payment confirmation screen. You will also get an email with button/link to download the file. The zip file contains all the material listed above. Till date, everyone who has used our study material and followed our step by step preparation guide has passed the exam on their first attempt.

Secure your future now, use our study material and pass the ISTQB exam. All payments are 100% secure, we do not store any payment details on our servers. How can I buy the study material now? Candidates paying through non-Indian Debit/Credit cards can pay through Paypal or use their Debit/Credit card by clicking on the button below. Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ about ISTQB and the Best Premium ISTQB Exam Study Material 1. Why is the study material expensive?

This is a one time investment for your career which will provide you benefits throughout your career. This material contains everything you need to pass the ISTQB Foundation Level exam. When you are looking for a job, being ISTQB Certified gives you an added advantage over other candidates.

Even if two candidates have similar experience, employers prefer candidates who have certification over those who do not. In a survey of Test Managers by ISTQB, around 88% Test Managers preferred their employees to be ISTQB certified. People who are certified also command better pay compared to people who aren’t. Companies/managers also weigh in certifications when considering employees for promotions. If you are a fresher who has no job experience, having a certification proves to the hiring manager that you have sound understanding of testing fundamentals and this improves your chances of being selected. Clients prefer hiring candidates from companies whose employees are certified.

In a survey of IT professionals by CIO magazine, 74% of the respondents said that certification led to better pay, promotions or new jobs. 40% of the respondents said that certification increased their pay by more than 10%. More than 10 years ago I paid Rs. 45,000 (over $1000 in those times) for a 6 month training. A few months back I paid Rs.

30,000 (over $450 for a 2 day training and certification). Some people may consider this expensive. However the cost of these trainings is negligible compared to their contribution to my earnings and pay hikes I have received over the years. Compared to the benefits that you will get over the lifetime of your career, the price of the Premium study material that helps you easily pass the ISTQB Foundation level exam is quite negligible. When you look back in future, you will be happy that you took the initiative to buy the study material.

Investing in your career is the only kind of investment that gives you a return every month, starting from your first job and grows exponentially each time you get promoted or change jobs. Not the amount you spend on movies, mobile phones or any other gadgets. Trainings and certifications pay for themselves over time. Do I need to refer or buy any other material for the exam? Our premium ISTQB study material contains everything you need to pass the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) exam. You will not need to buy or refer any other material for passing the exam. What is ISTQB?

It is a non-profit organization founded in Nov 2002. ISTQB is International Software Testing Qualifications Board and has its headquarters in Belgium. It offers the most widely recognized software testing certification.

The first level of certification that can be taken up is the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL). Who can take up the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level exam?

The ISTQB CTFL exam is taken up by candidates as diverse as freshers who have just completed their education to experienced testers with over 10 years of experience. Irrespective of where you are in your career, the certification is useful and provides you an advantage over those who are not certified. This certification is well suited for anyone who is planning to move into software testing or experienced software testers who want to establish themselves in their domain. Can you share some details of the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level exam?. This is an online exam. Total number of questions in the exam: 40.

Questions are multiple choice in nature. There is no negative mark for wrong answer in the exam.

Each correct answer carries 1 point. Minimum percentage for passing: 65% (26 or more points).

Total exam time: 75 minutes. The exam fee is Rs. 4,580 in India, $250 in USA, GBP 145 in UK.

Certification is available worldwide through Prometric or PearsonVue 6. Which exam/certification is this study material for?

As explained above this study material is for the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) certification. This is the first level of certification for all software testers from ISTQB. Who can use this study material? This study material can be used by freshers as well as experienced working professionals.

Anyone who is preparing to take up the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) exam can use this study material to prepare for the exam and pass easily following our step by step process given in our study guide. Most candidates who have used our study material have passed with high score. How can I take up the exam? You have two options when taking up the exam. You can take up the exam through a Member Board in your country. Member Boards are essentially a local representative of ISTQB, in your country. Examples are ASTQB in United States of America, ITB in India, UKTB in United Kingdom etc.

There are 50 Member Boards covering 72 countries at present. Please refer to this link for a list of. You can also take up the exam through an Exam Provider like BCS (formerly called ISEB), iSQI etc. Exam Providers are licensed by Member Boards to conduct exams locally or internationally, including online exams.

Exam Providers work with organizations like Pearson Vue and Prometric in order to conduct online exams at their centers. What is BCS or ISEB? British Computer Society (BCS) was earlier known as Information Systems Examinations Board (ISEB). BCS is an examination provider for the United Kingdom Testing Board (UKTB), Netherlands and Belgium but can also be used to take up exams from other countries.

So, if I am currently in Paris – France or Hanoi – Vietnam or any other country, can I take up the exam through BCS/ISEB? You can take the exam from BCS/ISEB from any country. The exams can be taken through Prometrics or Pearson Vue test centers in your country. It is not mandatory to take the exam from the Member Board of your country. BCS is associated with the UK Testing Board UKTB so your certificate will be issued by UKTB.

This applies to candidates from India and other countries as well. My country is not listed under the ISTQB Member Boards list or my country’s member board does not have a center in my city. How can I take up the ISTQB exam? Even if your country/city does not have an ISTQB Member Board/test center, you can look for a Pearson Vue or Prometric test center in your city or nearby cities. You can register and appear for the exam at one of these test centers.

I have an ISTQB Member Board/Test Center in my city, can I still take the exam from Pearson Vue or Prometric? Yes, even if your city/country has a Member Board/Test Center, you can still take the exam from Pearson Vue or Prometric test center. Pearson Vue and Prometric test centers are available in most of the cities throughout the world so you have a better chance of finding a test center closer to your home. Prometric and Pearson Vue conduct ISQTB exams for BCS/ISEB which is affiliated with the UK Testing Board (UKTB), so your certificate will be issued from the UK Testing Board and will carry its logo in addition to the ISTQB logo. However, it has the same value as any other ISTQB certificate issued from any other testing board. When can I take up the exam? Some Member Boards like Indian Testing Boards have specific dates and time at which you can take up the exam from their test centers.

You can find the exam dates on the individual Member Boards website. Here is the link to the. However if you choose to take the exam at a Prometric or Pearson Vue test center, you can choose the date and time based on your convenience. Is there any difference between BCS/ISEB Certification and ISTQB Certification? Which is better? ISEB/BCS do not have a certification of their own.

They are an examination provider. They provide several exams like IT Service Management – ITIL, Business Analysis, PRINCE2 etc. ISTQB Certification is one of the certifications that they provide. They provide Foundation level certification and also conduct exams for Advanced Levels. So there is no question of BCS/ISEB Certification being better since the certification is actually from ISTQB.

Which is the best board for taking the exam? Which is more recognized and valued?

All boards carry the same value since the certification is from ISTQB. There are many Indians who are ISTQB certified through ITB (Indian Testing Board) who are working in USA and UK. There are many Indians in USA and UK who are ISTQB certified through ASTQB and UKTB and their certificates are valid in India as well. ISTQB certificate from all boards are valued equally, accepted worldwide and valid irrespective of the board or the country you are certified in. Is there any difference between the exams conducted by various boards? There is no difference between the exams conducted by any of the boards.

Whether you take the exam from ITB, UKTB, VTB, ASTQB, ANZTB, ATB, GTB or any of the other boards among the 50 boards, the exams remains the same. The time allocated, the passing score, the syllabus for the exam, the questions pool from which the questions are selected, they all remain the same irrespective of the board you choose for your exam. Why does the certificate look different for different boards/countries?

The look and feel of the certificate is different for the different boards/countries, this is because the boards may include their logos or other text in the certificate based on their preference/guidelines. However all certificates will contain the ISTQB logo and specify that the certificate is for an ISTQB exam. The certificates will also have your serial number to verify your certification from the website of the member board. Irrespective of the look of the certificate, it is valid in all countries and accepted throughout the world.

Is it better to take the exam from Pearson Vue or Prometric or the Member Boards test center for the country? I prefer Pearson Vue and Prometric centers for the following reasons. If you choose to appear for the exam through the Member Boards test center, in countries like India, the exams are scheduled on specific dates in a month, you cannot choose your own dates. You also have to register and pay for the exam through Demand Drafts (DD) and this DD has to reach the office of the Member Board 2 weeks ahead of the exam. Rescheduling the exam is not straight forward. I have received emails from many candidates who have faced these challenges earlier so I recommend taking the exam from Prometric or Pearson Vue, where you do not face these issues. Also every city may not have Member Board test centers close by whereas Prometric and Pearson Vue test centers are available in all major cities throughout the world.

How can I register for the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level (CTFL) exam from Prometric or Pearson Vue? Exam code for ISTQB CTFL exam from Prometric is: BH0-010 – BCS Certified Tester Foundation Level 2011 syllabus Exam code for ISTQB CTFL exam from Pearson Vue is: ISEB-SWT2: ISTQB-ISEB Certified Tester Foundation Level It is best to visit the nearest test center and find out the details of the process before registering. You can also get their details from their websites at or Step by step process for registering with them is also given in our study material. Can I use this study material if I am not taking the exam from Prometric/Pearson Vue and my member board is not ITB, ASTQB, UKTB etc? Yes, this premium study material is beneficial for anyone who is taking the ISTQB exam from any country/member board.

It will be help you pass the exam irrespective of whether you take the exam from the Member Boards test center or from any other test center. This material has been used by several candidates all over the world and has helped them pass the exam easily with high score. Can I get a refund? What is your refund policy? Our premium study material is a digital product, so no refunds will be issued. All efforts have been undertaken to provide you with sufficient information to enable you to determine if it is suitable for your use prior to your purchase. If you experience difficulty accessing or downloading your purchased study material, then please write to us at: kumar @ 22.

I can study for the exam on my own, why should I buy the premium study material? The study material has been prepared by experts from the field of software testing with the specific purpose of educating candidates and helping candidates pass the ISTQB Foundation Level exam. Think of it as travelling from one country to another by road. People can do it by themselves, stopping several times along the way to check for directions, making course corrections etc.

However if you were to catch a flight for the same destination, you will reach the destination at a fraction of the time and effort. Every individual has dreams and wishes to get the right job or to go to the next level but only those who take action get the results. Stop struggling to understand how to pass the ISTQB exam and use our premium study material to pass it in your first attempt. This is a very small investment which will give you recurring returns throughout your career. Buy the Best Premium ISTQB Exam Study Material. Hi, Our material is applicable for the ISTQB exam in Australia and other countries as well.

Assuming that you will pay through an Australian Bank account, you can buy through this link – You will be provided with the link to download the material immediately after successful payment. The download link will also be emailed to you. How long you need to study, depends on many factors. We generally advice candidates to prepare for 2 months at least before appearing for the exam. You need to ensure that you have understood the subject well and studied the book in the study material a couple of times before you attempt the exam. These days you will not find many questions being repeated from the sample question papers, so its important that you study the book well so that you are prepared for any question that may come up.

You can use the sample papers to access your knowledge of the topics in the exam. Hi Arjun, A certification is not a substitute for the knowledge or skill you have. However, having an ISTQB Certification gives you an added advantage over your peers who do not have the certification.

A recruiter or manager receives over 50 resumes for one position. They look for certified professionals, in order to filter the resumes quickly. Clients prefer organizations that have certified team members. The certification will help you find a better job and better pay. If you are looking for a job, its better to take up the certification now, even before you enter the industry since it improves your chances of being selected. It shows the recruiter that you are willing to go the extra mile and it establishes your credibility.

Our material is up to date as per the current syllabus. Hi Gayathree, Our study material includes the book required to be studied for passing the ISTQB exam.

You will not need to study any other books. Just to be clear, you will need to study the book. Some people prepare only using the sample question papers. This is not sufficient.

Studying the book ensures that you gain knowledge of all the topics covered in the exam. This is important because you may not get any question from the practice / sample question papers but if you have studied the book, you will be able to answer any question.

If you are in India and plan to take the exam through the Indian Testing Board, then you may have to wait for the exam dates to be announced for June. The dates are usually announced a month in advance. Exams are scheduled on several dates, every month. You can find the here. You can also take the exam through Prometric or Pearson Vue in India or abroad. They schedule exams several times a month and you can find the exact dates by getting in touch with them. Refer to Question 12, 18 and 19 above.

Hi, Our material will definitely be useful. However, 13th March may not be sufficient time for you to prepare for the exam. If you have already studied on your own and just want to use our material to ensure that you have covered everything in the syllabus, then it might be ok but if you are planning to start studying now, you do not have enough time to prepare. I would advise that you have at least 6 weeks of time or more when preparing for the exam and plan to spend at least 2 hours or more studying each day. I am not sure what you mean by demo for the exam. The study material is a single package and we do not sells any individual items separately.

Ideally we recommend that students have 6 to 8 weeks to study so that you have some flexibility in your routine. Your timeline is not ideal but it’s still sufficient time. However, you will need to allocate 2 to 3 hours of pure study time each day in order to achieve this. Regarding the enrollment, its best to check with the center where you are planning to take the exam. If you are in India, you can get in touch with the to find this out. This is because the process is still not fully automated. If you are abroad, you can find out the details from Prometric or Pearson Vue.

Hi, The course material is about 190 pages. It is possible to prepare for the exam in one months time. However, you will need to dedicate sufficient time for it. You currently have 5 weeks before the exam. You should target to study the complete material in 2 to 3 weeks, utilize the weekends to study as much as possible. In the remaining two weeks you will need to take the practice exams to identify areas you are weak in and work on them.

Our material has details of the number of questions asked from each chapter. You can use that information to decide which chapters you want to focus on more. All the best. Hi, The material is digital and you will get instant access to download the material after completing payment.

One week is too short, to be able to read the material even if you are reading it full time, unless you are already familiar with the topics. If this is your first time, you definitely need more time to prepare for the exam. Just reading the question and answers will not help you clear the exam. You need to have strong knowledge of the topics so that if the question is asked in a different manner or is a trick question, you are able to identify the right answer.

You need to study the book included in the study material which will prepare you well and then practice with the questions to access your level of knowledge and identify weak areas to improve on. All the best. Our premium study material contains everything you need to pass the exam easily. The topics are explained in easy to understand manner so that even if a person is not from testing or software background they can prepare confidently for the exam. Apart from this, our material contains premium question dumps from recent exams which helps you take mock test and identify topics you are weak in, printable flash cards, quick reference glossaries, special material on Statement and Decision coverage and more to make you ready for the exam. Many people who prepare on their own fails by a few marks and then turn to us to use our material in order to pass the exam. We would definitely recommend using our material if you are keen on passing on the first attempt.

Hi Igor, The ISTQB Foundation Level exam questions are picked from a pool of thousands of questions. This pack does NOT contain all of them. No one has all the questions.

However this pack contains several premium question dumps from 2015 along with answers. It also includes study material that you will require for the exam. The study material is comprehensive and covers all topics of the exam.

This will prepare you for all questions that might be asked. Candidates who have used our study material have passed with excellent scores. Hi Raphael, I am not sure which country/city you are planning to take the ISTQB Exam. Irrespective of where you take it from, ISTQB is an excellent certification for those who have work experience as well as those who don’t. It gives you an advantage over the rest of the software testers since many testers are not certified. You can register for the ISTQB Exam through Prometric or Pearson Vue. Question 18 of the FAQ above has the exam codes and URL’s for the exam providers.

You can use our premium study material to prepare for the exam. Our study material is comprehensive. It will help you prepare well for the exam and pass with high score.

Hi Ameya, The questions in the exam are taken from a large pool of questions. The dumps are only a tool to help you assess your knowledge and know how well prepared you are for the exam. We advocate a comprehensive approach of studying our premium study material to understand the topics thoroughly so that you are well prepared for ANY question that appears in the exam. We have numerous students who have used our study material to pass the exam with high score and I am sure it will help you pass too. All the best for your next attempt. Hi Gabriel, Our study material is valid for ISTQB Foundation Exam taken in Romania.

The syllabus for ISTQB exam is common across all countries. Our syllabus covers all the topics that are part of the ISTQB Foundation Level exam. If you use our study material and follow the process outlined in it, you will be very well prepared for the exam and will surely pass with high score. You will also save a lot of time that you might spend in searching for topics to study and spend that time in studying our comprehensive material.

Istqb Basic Certification Study Guide K.v.k.k. Prasad Pdf

All the best for your exam. Hi Rajesh, Most candidate struggle to study for the ISTQB Exam when they study on their own because they get bits and pieces of study material from one source, then they spend time to find other pieces of study material to cover other topics and so on. By the end they spend a significant amount of time browsing and searching for material to study compared to the actual time spent studying.

Even then, they may not be able to find and study every topic at the required depth, for the ISTQB exam. Our material includes EVERYTHING that you need to prepare for the ISTQB Foundation level exam (CTFL). You will not need to worry about whether you have studied everything that is required. If you follow the process outlined in our file “How to pass ISTQB CTFL Exam.pdf” (included in our study material) you will be well prepared to pass the exam with high score. Our study material is a good investment, even if you have 1 week to study, since it will work as an excellent material to refresh/revise everything that you have studied so far and cover areas that you may not have known about.

Istqb Basic Certification Study GuideGuide

All the best for your exam.

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